Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Thanks very much for the nomination for this award from Jo from Eclectic Feel which is a great online magazine style blog about art, health, beauty, music, books, craft, DIY and much more – something for everyone.  Please do check out her great blog and also some of the nominations I have made below – so many to choose, its hard to pick just 10!


1. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer the 10 questions your nominator has provided.
3. Nominate ten other bloggers.
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees and notify them of their nomination.

Questions from my nomination:
1. How long have been blogging for?
I started this blog at the end of 2013 but didn’t start posting regularly until January 2014 when I aimed to post daily when possible.

2. Who was your childhood crush?
I was a huge Duran Duran fan, John Taylor (bass guitarist) specifically.  I still listen to Duran Duran occassionally now.

3. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
Poverty – it leads to so many other evils in the world.  Contrasting that, greed.  As they say in South East Asia – same, same but different

4. What’s your favourite type of blog post to read?
I have varied interests – travel, history, daily-living and dachshunds

5. If you had to leave right now this second for a week away, what 3 beauty items would you pack?
Lipbalm & sunscreen – I’m low maintenance, I’m good to go 🙂

6. Juices with kale or other veg in – yay! or Bleurgh?
Hmmm maybe carrot, but I’m not a big fan of vegetable juices.

7. Are you involved with any charities?
Lots – as a donor only though!  I am close to doing my 1200 loan with  I donate monthly to Apopo who train African Pouched Rats to detect landmines through Africa and also parts of Asia. They also have TB detection rats.

I also donate monthly to World Wildlife Fund and the Fred Hollows Foundation, who work through the Pacific Islands restoring sight to those who have gone blind through cataracts.  I also sponsor a World Vision child who lives in Bangladesh.

Less frequently I also make donations to organisations such as the local SPCA, the Red Cross,  Give Kids the World, and I’ve shaved my head twice to raise funds for Canteen and the Child Cancer Foundation.  You can read about my last year’s shave here.

I have so much, and I am truely fortunate to have won the birth lottery and live in a country where I have more than I need, so I like to ensure at least some of my income goes to those who need it more than I do.

But if you come to my front door asking for money, I will likely tell you to piss off.  That goes for those pesky girl-guides too  🙂

8. What’s your top tip for chilling out when you feel stressed?
Loud, upbeat, happy music or a good fast walk or bike ride.

9. Blazer or kimono?
I wouldn’t wear either – I’m jeans and sweater girl 🙂

10. What’s next for your blog?
I have more coming up about Myanmar.  Coming up later in the year will be a LOT of Disney coverage – Disneyland’s 60th and going to Walt Disney World with my nephews.  And definitely more of my Grandad’s War diary – I know he goes to Italy after finishing up in North Africa but I’m not sure in what capacity.

I nominate the following 10 blogs:

1) Stereotypically Able

2) Telling the Truth

3) Joy Loves Travel

4) My Hong Kong Husband

5) Vacation Mode

6) Pinot by Lyn

7) Pursuit of Happiness

8) Lifestyle by Mia

9) Just a Small Town Girl

10) Beyondtheflow

Questions for my nominees:

1) If you could leave right now for any place in the world, where would you go?

2) Why did you start your blog?

3) Favourite dessert? (bonus points for a photo) 😉

4) Do you have any pets, what are they?

5) Favourite childhood memory?

6) Do you support any charities? (I liked this question)

7) Describe yourself in 3 words.

8) What do you see yourself doing in 20 years?

9) What advice would you have given your childhood self?

10) What is your favourite blog piece that you have written?



  1. Loving your answers! Especially dachsunds! 🙂 Wow I’m in awe of the charity work you contribute to, fantastic. The landmine charity sounds really interetsing, going to check it out. Jo x

  2. Congratulations, Paula! Great responses, with an emphasis on not clutching what you’ve ‘won.’ I haven’t heard of Apopo before, and will check it out. Thanks for the detail on your charities–some of which we share! And thanks for the nomination. Not sure what I’ll do yet, but thanks for the pass if I want to use it! 🙂

  3. Great responses. I especially like how you said if we come to your door you will tell us to piss off 🙂 Me too! I give to charities but don’t like door to door solicitations. Thanks so much for the nomination. I’m not that active in the blogging world yet so I seriously don’t even have 10 blogs I could nominate (must really get out there and discover all the wonderful blogs). So if I don’t blog about it, that’s why!

    • I had a couple of men turn up at the front door today in dark suits – I just opened the door and said “no thank you” before they could utter a single word. I don’t care what they were selling, religion, vacuum cleaners or a charity. Whatever it was, the fastest way to not get any money out of me is to come to my door. I think its incredibly rude.

      I love your blog though – its not the quantity, its the quality and your super cute doglets don’t hurt either 🙂

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